How to Tie a Half Windsor Knot:

The Half Windsor Knot is another smaller necktie knot. It is call the Half Windsor Knot since the wide side of the necktie is only wrapped once around the narrow end. The bigger Double Windsor Tie Knot on the other hand requires the wide end of the tie to be wrapped around twice. If you are wearing a dress shirt with a narrow collar spread, then the Half Windsor might be the right way how to tie your neck tie.

Half Windsor knot Instructions:

uniform ties half windsor necktie knot graph
  1. Flip up your collar and place the tie around your neck. Place the wider end of the tie over the narrow side and hold it down with one finger. Make sure to leave extra length on the wide side for tying the Half Windsor Tie Knot.
  2. Wrap the Wide end of your tie around the part of the necktie coming from the opposite side at the collar.
  3. Wrap the necktie around and back behind the narrow side. Tighten the half finished knot slightly and keep it in place with one finger.
  4. Wrap the wide side of the necktie over the narrow end of the tie. This time, don’t tighten it, but create a loop in front of the knot. Keep the loop open with one finger while holding eh knot in place with the same hand. Then, wrap the narrow end of the tie around the part coming from the collar –just like you did in #2.
  5. Pull the wide end of the tie through the loop.
  6. Tighten the Half Windsor knot slowly, flip down your collars, and finally center it between the collars. You are done tying the Half Windsor Knot!
Uniform Ties instructions on tying the half Windsor tie knot, learn how to tie a half Windsor knot with necktie knots instructions for dummies. Tie a Half Windsor Knot in seconds.